Montag, 6. Dezember 2010

Dead End Characters: Navarre da Silva

At the moment I'm writing on a Sience Fiction Story "Dead End" and started to invent some characters I'll need for it.
I tend to draw most of my characters cause so it's easier for me to give them more live and character.

The main character will be a guy named Navarre da Silva, a Space pilot and fromer special force member of the VST (Vereinigte Sternenförderation Terra). I made up a short description of him and drew several different pics. I'll add some of his background story and a character sheet of him soon.

Description of  Navarre:

Sure Name:                da Silva
Name:                         Navarre
Gender:                      male
Nationality:                Spanish/German
Eye Color:                  silver-blue
Hair Color:                 maroon
Hight:                         1,78 m
Weight:                       75 kg
Age:                            31

Parents:Mother dead (died when Navarre was3 years old), Father unknown, his mother always told him that he has to go and nobody knows where he is.

natural night vision, Tribal Tattoo along his Spine, bullet hole scars right upper arm (inner side) und left Shoulder blade. Boosted Reflexes and speed with cyber- and biotechnology

Athletic built, dark Cargo pants and combat boots, dark Muscel-Shirts or T-Shirts, mainly unicolored in earth tones and black, Dog tags, sometimes he is wearing a jacket with the imprint and the logo of his actual space ship. Short hair, stubbles, tanned.
3 silver studs (earlap) and a Earring (Piercing, ear loop) left ear

Self confident , arrogant, often impish, blatherskite, tends to drink to much alkohol and takes somtimes drugs like Ectasy and Speed, likes Sex but avoids relations and clother bonds, easy to anger und vengeful, hot-tempered, Hothead.
If someone is able to win his faith (which is not easy) he is a very loyal an trustfull friend.

Some images of Navarre:

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